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Supporting a citizen movement in India, we appeal to all those who reject the rule of the strongest Michelin should not build this factory in India !

9 janvier 2012, 18:30, par Yonne Lautre

A whole region of Tamil Nadu is at present mobilized against the setting-up of a Michelin factory, which is ruining the survival of thousand villagers. There were several hunger strikes. Activists were put in jail.

We ask you to spread widely this appeal and to send us your signature (indicating your names, functions) to


Supporting a citizen movement in India, we appeal to all those who reject the rule of the strongest

Michelin should not build
this factory in India !

The social movements cannot simply denounce – abstractly - the delocalisation of the economy. Not only does it ruin the job for us, but destroys the roots of the life of the poorest in the South. In India, a terrible conflict between a village of Untouchables - the lowest considered people in this country of castes - and Michelin, our big multinational corporation producing tires.

Thervoy Kandigai is a village in Tamil Nadu state (southern India). About 1500 families, are traditionally living of pastures and forests near Thervoy. It is their territory. With this plant, Michelin is destroying it for ever. The forest is an essential area for the survival of this population without land. It is now confiscated and has already begun to be destroyed, with a dramatic risk of drying up the lakes supplying water to local villages.

This French multinational corporation has indeed managed to convince the Indian federal authorities, and intends to build an ultramodern tires factory in place of the forest of the Untouchables. Space is already closed, buildings already under construction, a training centre already open.

The villagers are fighting alone for two years, multiplying actions and hunger strikes. In return, they face repression, beatings, and police presence. Some of them are in jail since February 2011. They just elected a Panchayat - kind of mayor - openly opposed to the installation of Michelin. And they call for international support. France is at the forefront. As well as the inhabitants of Thervoy Kandigai, the signers of this petition request the cancellation of the project. On its website, Michelin India proclaims : "One of core Michelin’s values is respect for people." The time has come to prove that such words are not only commercial advertising. Do not touch the Untouchables’ forest at Thervoy Kandigai !

The undersigned require :
 The cancellation of the construction project of a Michelin factory at Thervoy Kandigai
 The land restitution to villagers
 Compensation to villagers for land destroyed
 The release of the eight persons who are jailed, amnesty for 61 persons awaiting for trial and the end of all violence against Thervoy people !

First to sign :

 Annie Thébaud-Mony, sociologue, présidente de l’association Henri Pézerat, santé – travail – environnement
 Fabrice Nicolino, journaliste, association Henri Pézerat
 Josette Roudaire, présidente du Comité Amiante Prévenir et Réparer, Auvergne, association Henri Pézerat
 François Roca, CGT Michelin
 Thierry Souzon, CGT Michelin
 Michel Chevalier, CGT Michelin
 Jean-Sébastien Gascuel, hebdomadaire Paysan d’Auvergne
 Jean-Pierre Serezat, Université populaire, Clermont Ferrand
 Eric Panthou, Historien,Syndicaliste FSU, Clermont-Ferrand
 Laurent Quinson, Bibliothécaire, Syndicaliste FSU, Lyon
 Corine Védrine, ethnologue, Saint-Etienne

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